When it comes to being a leader, you can never learn enough about how to do it well. You might get leadership training on the job, but fewer and fewer companies are investing in management training, leaving executives and managers on their own to figure out how to manage people effectively.
Now as companies push to get employees back in the office, the struggle to retain top talent is real. Those bright, ambitious workers are ready to change jobs to obtain the option to work from home if your company resists or refuses to offer it. So you as a manager are left on your own to figure out how to get work done with a hybrid or remote team, and not lose those key employees in the process.
"People Don't Leave Bad Jobs, They Leave Bad Bosses" was an article written in 2019, just a few months before the pandemic began. This statement reveals an understanding that rings even truer today.
Here's where the Remote Leadership Success mentorships can help. In particular, the Group Mentorship gives you a chance to collaborate with other like-minded leaders in a confidential, problem-solving environment. This Remote Leader Labs website hosts that environment and materials for both Individual and Group mentorships. Whether you want a Executive Advisory 1-on-1 mentorship or are open to participating in a Group Mentorship, you'll benefit from Toolie's wealth of experience leading teams remotely, long before the pandemic made it necessary.
To learn more about the Remote Leadership Success programs (including the Advisory Consulting for Corporations, a third option), visit https://www.remoteleadershipsuccess.com. Better yet, schedule a 30-minute, no-obligation Executive Strategy Session with Toolie. You'll walk away with 3 to 4 actionable ideas, specific to your situation and goals, that you can put to use immediately. And of course, Toolie can answer your questions about mentorships.
Visit http://www.TalktoToolie.com or click the button below to find a time that works for you.